Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Abby had her babies yesterday afternoon. She woke me up Sunday night a little afore midnight and told me to go get Momma. She’d been laboring for a couple of hours by then. Momma sent Daddy out to fetch Aunt Wisdom. He dropped her off at the cabin then took off again. He ain’t come home yet and Momma’s fit to be tied. There’s gonna be hell to pay when he finally comes home.
Anyway, Abby had a tough time of it. She kept beggin Aunt Wisdom to knock her out but she refused. It ain’t good for the babies. She did cast a couple of pain-away spells there towards the end, thank gawd. I didn’t think I could handle any more screamin. I ain’t never gonna have babies! I wanted to leave, but Momma wouldn’t let me. She said I needed to know what happens when you let a man have his way with you. I ain’t never gonna do that neither!
Okay, so back to the babies. Once they started coming it didn’t take long for them all to get born. It was the first time I ever seen human babies birthed, but it was a lot like dogs and goats -- only a whole lot noisier. Abby screamed like a wounded rabbit one minute, then bellowed like an angry bull the next. It was horrible, and I hate to say it, but her babies come out awful ugly. They looked a lot better once Momma and Aunt Wisdom got em cleaned up and today theys downright adorable. 
Aunt Wisdom made Abby nurse each of em before she let her hand em off and go to sleep. Momma and Aunt Wisdom’s babies squalled their heads off, but mine just held onto my pinkie finger and looked around as if he were trying to figure out where he was. Then he looked right at me and smiled. Momma said it was just gas, but it sure looked like a smile to me.

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