Saturday, June 11, 2005

I ain’t written in this thing for so long so I got a lot of catchin up to do. Momma and Daddy finally come around to the idea of being grandparents and they both been working me like a dog to get the cabin clean and safe enough for babies. Daddy built a new, sturdier rail around the loft where me an Abby sleep. I don’t know what the big deal is, them babies ain’t gonna be able to crawl around the minute they’s born. 
I’m getting awful tired of scrubbing floors and boiling rags for diapers. What’s the point of sterilizing rags if they’re just gonna be crapped on anyway? And why do we have to have so many? Everbody’s been bringin us rags and hand-me-down baby clothes. They still gossip behind our backs, and sometimes right in front us, but the whole clan’s helping out.
Old Pappy and Daddy are in the shed right now, sanding the third cradle -- which is why I have a few minutes to myself to write. Momma and Abby went in to town this morning to sell eggs and medicine so they ain’t here to boss me around.
Abby started going to town with Momma again a couple of months ago, praise the Lord, and she’s a lot happier now. I don’t know why she likes that stinking Empty town so much, but she sure as heck looks forward to Saturdays. She’s as big as a barn and can hardly waddle across the yard to the privy, but she refuses to stay home even though Momma told her she don’t have to go no more. Maybe she just likes the airconditioning inside Walmart. She complains about the heat non-stop.
I think I’ll see iffen I can sneak off to the quarry to go swimming afore Momma and Abby get back. But with my luck it’ll be overrun with a bunch of Empties.